
Everything is possible


Our school

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Pre - Registration 2023/24 (6th to 20th March)

Soon Open Days

Fang winners 2023/24

Fang 2023/24

What makes us different?

We collaborate with:

logo bsb sense fons
upc logo
logo societat catalana tecnologia
logo tennis taula
hoquei castelldefels
club basquet castelldefels
handbol castelldefels
acreditació erasmus

Erasmus accreditation KA120-SCH

| Activities, Erasmus+, News, Students' voice | No Comments
Dear families, We are pleased to inform you that our school has been awarded Erasmus KA120-SCH accreditation, which will be…

Videoconferències de mestres

| Erasmus+, News | No Comments
Per a aquest projecte, la coordinació mitjançant les videoconferències ha sigut fonamental. Periòdicament els mestres ens reuníem per programar i…

Videoconferències d’estudiants 20-23

| Erasmus+, News | No Comments
Collection of video conferences made by students during the Erasmus 20-23 project 23.02.2023 Today we had a student videoconference in…

We collaborate with:

ajuntament de Castelldefels
british school of barcelona logo
upc logo
logo tennis taula
catalana residus