Erasmus Google Sites Dear families, We are pleased to inform you that our school has been awarded Erasmus KA120-SCH accreditation, which will be valid until 2027. This accreditation is a...
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Per a aquest projecte, la coordinació mitjançant les videoconferències ha sigut fonamental. Periòdicament els mestres ens reuníem per programar i…
Collection of video conferences made by students during the Erasmus 20-23 project 23.02.2023 Today we had a student videoconference in…
Základní škola SPECIÁLNÍ Ostrava Students have studied the lives of different scientist and shared it with the Erasmus partners in…
We celebrate, as every year, with our Erasmus partners the “Safe internet day”. Giving our students guidelines and strategies to…
During the first term of the course, we will work on food, nutrition and healthy living. We will collaborate with the UPC and the Catalan Society of Technology and have...
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We are attaching information about the toy library in September. Ludoteca September
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27 JUNE – 3 JULY OUR ACTIVITIES Video created by Lluís Vives (Spain) students with iMovie. DAY 1 OPENING CEREMONY…