We would like to remind you of the different health regulations that are essential for the safety of the entire educational community and that, therefore, everyone needs to be clear about and follow:
– Symptoms: all those with symptoms compatible with COVID will not be able to attend class until at least 24 hours have passed without symptoms even if they do not have PCR: fever or fever (above 37.5ºC), cough, difficulty for breathing, fatigue, muscle aches or headaches, stomach ache with vomiting or diarrhea, loss of smell or taste (older children and adolescents), sore throat if accompanied by any of the above symptoms, runny nose if is accompanied by any of the above symptoms.
– Coexisting PCR: all those students who live with a relative who has had PCR to be suspected of having COVID to have symptoms, can NOT come to the center, or to class or to pick up other students until they know that it gives negative. In case the cohabitant comes out positive, they will have to do the quarantine stipulated by Sanitat. If in doubt, ask the school.
– PCR students: Those students who have PCR will not be able to come to school while waiting for the result. If they have been in close contact with a positive person, they must respect the quarantine of 10 days from the last contact with the positive person before returning to school, even if the test is negative. If they have not been in close contact with any positive and have undergone PCR to have symptoms compatible with COVID, you must know that they have tested negative and wait at least 24 hours without any symptoms before returning to school and continuing. always medical indications.
– PCR siblings: if a student is given PCR for being from the same bubble group as a positive classmate, his / her siblings can go to school as long as no one shows symptoms and the sibling is not positive.
– Performing PCR: It is always necessary to inform the tutors and COVID / Management Coordination if any student or cohabitant is given PCR and its result and you will be told how to proceed in each case.
– Masks: it is essential that everyone wears approved masks that cover the nose and mouth well and that their rules of use are followed. Only those that are marked as reusable can be reused and the number of washes must be respected. Remember that in primary school they have to wear two every day, because after lunch they will have to change their masks. Anyone can use a shoulder bag or a kidney bag to store the spare mask, it will be very useful for those who stay in the dining room.
– School access: Everyone who enters the school must wear a mask, also for children. In the entry rows it is also important to carry it and respect the distances.
If you have any questions, please contact us or the tutors.
Thank you very much for your collaboration.