Today we celebrate Erasmus days. An initiative by @sepie_gob to publicize our Erasmus + project on STEAM. We love being connected to other countries and learning more about their STEAM initiatives. Thanks to Sepie for organizing and disseminating our project, as well as for sending us these details. This year we are celebrating Erasmus days related to computer language and programming, we have titled them: Let’s code.
#ErasmusDays #ErasmusPlus #erasmusplusKA229 #erasmusdays #etwinning @sepiegob @ErasmusPlusSEPIE @sepie_gob @SEPIE @etwinning_es @etwinning.esp @yfpsprimary #spain #turkey #poland #zchechrepublic #serbia #unitedkingdom @steam.erasmus @secastelldefels @SErasmus2020