Letters from our Erasmus members have arrived! We read and commented in English for a while. We are very excited to be able to communicate with children our age from all over Europe. A super motivating way to practice reading comprehension in a foreign language. Did you have the opportunity to participate in such an experience when you went to school?
#ErasmusPlus #erasmusplusKA229 #erasmusdays #etwinning @sepiegob @ErasmusPlusSEPIE @sepie_gob @SEPIE @etwinning_es @etwinning.esp @yfpsprimary #escolalluisvives #castelldefels #escolapública #escola #escuelapublica #publicschool #komunicapress #castelldefelscultura #escolesdecastelldefels #escolapúblicacastelldefels @lavozcastelldefels @noticias_castelldefels