The world day of philosophy is on November 17th and from the library we have prepared two children’s activities for the 18th and 25th, especially for children on this subject,
- Saturday 18th from 12 to 13.30 h. Workshop regarding the day of philosophy “Smell, touch and see: From the books that we have read and following the model of wine labels, we are going to create a label for a wine that identifies us, where we are going to write the origin of our wine, the harvest, the cellar, the temperature … “done by Noemí Caballer. Infants from 5 years. Child workshop room.
- Saturday 25th from 11 to 12.30 h. Visual philosophy workshop “Play the game I’m a person, a free-game that invites you to play and think about great questions: Who amb I and what am I?” Done by Susana Torrón. Infants from 8 years old.