We need the light of a gaze that makes us understand the world.

-Joana Raspall-


Registration will take place in the week of XXX. The documentation that must be brought is:

  • Photocopy and original student health card.
  • Photocopy of vaccination book.
  • DNI or register of the parent / legal guardian.
  • Bank IBAN or photocopy primer

Open Days:

  •  from 27 february to march 4
  • Small groups of 15 people
  • Reservation required per person (max 2 per family)
  • The use of outdoor spaces will be promoted.
  • Visits with the school in operation or after collective hours.


Schedule Open Days

Registration form open doors


Prior appointment for enrollment.

Students assigned for the 2024/25 academic year

  • Students pre-registered at the 2024 center
  • Students assigned to the center with indication of first request 2024
  • Waiting list 2024

Scale school year 2024-2025: (we will update links)

Submission of applications 2022-2023:

  • Infant education (3-6 years) and primary education (6-12 years): from March 6 to 20
Explanatory videos

Documentació 2022-2023:

La matrícula es realitzarà la setmana del 21 al 29 de Juny. La documentació que cal dur és:
  • Fotocòpia i original targeta sanitària de l’alumne/a.
  • Fotocòpia del llibre de vacunes.
  • DNI o padró del pare/mare/tutor legal.
  • IBAN bancari o fotocòpia cartilla

Do you have any questions, suggestions or need another time slot? Write to us at:

Documentation Open Day

Videos realitzats durant el curs anterior 19/20

What do we do at Infant Education?

Videos realitzats durant el curs anterior 19/20

A walk through the school

Doubts – Inscription FAQs

How do I book an appointment?

HaYou must access the booking calendar and select the available time slot. You will see it in green. If there are no strips left, write to us at
matricula@escolalluisvives.cat and we talk about it.

How many people can come to the open day?

The current regulations establish a maximum of 10 people per shift. That’s why we ask that if you want two people to come, make two reservations.

Can two people go to see the school?

Yes, but it is very important that you make 2 reservations in the same time slot. If this is not possible, please contact us at matricula@escolalluisvives.cat

Can we go with our child to visit?

It is recommended that as few people as possible attend the visits. In order to guarantee the established measures, we ask that, as far as possible, you attend without the child. Don’t worry, after the registration process, we will organize days for your child to get to know the school.

What protective measures should I take?

Everyone who enters the school must wear a mask. You will find several points with ice to disinfect yourself.

Where will the visit take place?

The visit will be carried out mostly in outdoor spaces as long as the weather allows it. We will know the classrooms of infantile and of primary (according to demand).

What can I expect from the visit?

We will outline our educational project and our methodology.

Who will make the visit ?

There will always be a member of the management team, a kindergarten teacher and an elementary school teacher to answer all your questions.

What if I can't attend an Open Day?

You can contact us via email at matricula@escolalluisvives.cat in order to find the best solution.