We win the prize for the best carriage in the Castelldefels children’s rua!
Thanks to the dedication and involvement of everyone in making a spectacular carriage with thousands of details!
– ? the dead part, where we can see the world without bees. Families have used unpainted eggplants to symbolize a lifeless hive. They include the elements that cause the bees to disappear: pesticides, sprays, and toxic products that cause the disappearance of these small insects. We even put on our DJ, skeleton costume!
– ? the living part, where we see everything that the presence of bees brings to our planet. From recycled materials, families have made small bees, flowers and animals from the forest. Students have painted, decorated, trimmed and written posters.
I com no, no podríem deixar a la nostra capgrossa: la Lluïseta. Vestida d’apicultora, vigila com les abelles del Vives ballen i canten!.
The good atmosphere and the brotherhood of the school is evident this morning in our parade. More than 150 participants!
We have been practicing it for a few days, mixed by a parent and choreography by a school mom. On the day of the rua we had a great time dancing non-stop.
Finalment, ens van otorgar el premi a la millor carrossa!
Thanks to the organizers for giving them the opportunity to enjoy a family-school time.