Special science workshops for children from 4th of primary school – Science week library

Good morning,

Within the week of science we will schedule two workshops for children from 4th grade, the first one is about the 100 years of the periodic table and the second on nanotechnology. They are very interesting workshops and surely you have students that the subject may interest them a lot.

We enclose the posters in case you can get them especially to the students after 9 years.

  • Wednesday 13 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Workshop “The World of Chemistry: 100 years of the periodic table” by Explorium. Children from 8 years old. Children’s workshop room.
  • Wednesday 27 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Workshop “Nanoscience … nano what? A part of science almost hidden in our eyes … “by Fun Brain. Children from 9 years old. Children’s workshop room.

Thank you very much for your help,

Poster: The World of Chemistry: 100 years of the periodic table
Cartell: Nanociència... nano què? Una part de la ciència quasi amagada als nostres ulls...