A public school
Lluis Vives school is a public school that depends on the public educational system on the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya. The aim of our school is to educate people with an open mind, positive values, critical thinking, autonomy and competent. We want citizens committed to society and the environment. We are characterized by being a creative, inclusive and a collaborative school with a spirit of innovation and improvement. We work for children, to achieve their integral development, sharing the educational process with families and the environment. We do this by working in teams and in a collaborative way, emphasizing diversity and respect, and fostering responsibility.

We want to be a referent school
with quality where the main characters
are our students.

What is our differentiation?
The degree of participation, involvement and collaboration of families (workshops, public events, volunteering, delegate assemblies…) is very high. We understand that democratic and transparent participation in management and in actions are the foundations on which we build our Project.
Values and emocional education
We know that the happiest people generally have a higher self-esteem and a greater behavioral and emotional self-control. They have a positive cognitive style and they maintain good relationships with others. They also know how to recognize and express their feelings in an appropriate way, while being respectful, tolerant and honest.
Effort at work
We are a school that seeks the integral training of the students. We understand effort as one of the pillars of this training. Therefore we need to work for the effort (always through motivation) and recognition by the school and those of which we are part: colleagues, teachers, parents…
New technologies
Applying new technologies to classrooms is a motivation tool. The present and the future of education are not understood without the use of, what we call, New Information Technology (ICT). The use of ICT can and must have a positive effect and should be used to promote new classroom methodologies to access new ways of teaching and learning in a more attractive and pedagogical way. Thus, we can adapt to the different rhythms of the classroom.
Well-being and well-doing
A principle of our learning by competences consists of applying knowledge, skills and attitudes to solve problems in different contexts, with quality and efficiency.
Social cohesion
In our school we build among everyone (students, families and teachers). This way of sharing is, at the same time, a great source of wealth and the strength of our school, as well as, it is undoubtedly the reflection of today’s society.

Families, freely and voluntarily, are organized into different participatory commissions within the AFA (Association of families of students) of the school. They contribute to the construction of the Educational Project of the school, making contributions, participating actively and managing different services. They also participate in the School Board and in the Assembly of delegates with monthly meetings with the management team. Likewise, Infant Education families can exchange opinions and information daily in the entrances and leaves of the school with their children tutors and non-tutors.